Scientific Papers

  1. F. Giannazzo et al., Highly Homogeneous 2D/3D Heterojunction Diodes by Pulsed Laser Deposition of MoS2 on Ion Implantation Doped 4H-SiC, Advanced Materials Interfaces 10(1), Art. No. 2201502 (2023)
  2. S.E. Panasci et al., Electron Irradiation Effects on Single-Layer MoS2 Obtained by Gold-Assisted Exfoliation, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 219(21), Art. No. 2200096 (2022)
  3. E. Smecca et al., In-Situ Degradation Pathway Analyses on Hybrid Perovskites with Mixed Cations and Anions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126(39), 16825, 16833 (2022)
  4. F. Giannazzo et al., Esaki Diode Behavior in Highly Uniform MoS2/Silicon Carbide Heterojunctions, Advanced Materials Interfaces 9(22), Art. No. 2200915 (2022)
  5. S. Valastro et al., Out-of-Glovebox Integration of Recyclable Europium-Doped CsPbI3 in Triple-Mesoscopic Carbon-Based Solar Cells Exceeding 9% Efficiency, Solar RRL 6(8), Art. No. 2200267 (2022)
  6. A. Alberti et al., Perovskite solar cells from the viewpoint of innovation and sustainability, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24(36), 21549, 21566 (2022)
  7. R. Erlandsen et al., A Two-Dimensional Superconducting Electron Gas in Freestanding LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Micromembranes, Nano Letters 22(12), 4758, 4764 (2022)
  8. S. Valstro et al., Black-Yellow Bandgap Trade-Off During Thermal Stability Tests in Low-Temperature Eu-Doped CsPbI3, Solar RRL 6(6), Art. No. 2200008 (2022)
  9. S. Romi et al., Towards custom built double core carbon nanothreads using stilbene and pseudo-stilbene type systems, Nanoscale 14(12), 4614, 4625 (2022)
  10. M.L. Alfieri et al., Site-specific halloysite functionalization by polydopamine: A new synthetic route for potential near infrared-activated delivery system, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 606, 1779, 1791 (2022)
  11. S.E. Panasci et al., Multiscale Investigation of the Structural, Electrical and Photoluminescence Properties of MoS2 Obtained by MoO3 Sulfurization, Nanomaterials, 12(2), Art. No. 182 (2022)
  12. A. Kumar et al., Phase change Ge-rich Ge–Sb–Te/Sb2Te3 core-shell nanowires by metal organic chemical vapor deposition, Nanomaterials 11(12), Art. No. 3358 (2021)
  13. E. Schilirò et al., Highly homogeneous current transport in ultra-thin aluminum nitride (AlN) epitaxial films on gallium nitride (GaN) deposited by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition, Nanomaterials 11(12), Art. No. 3316 (2021)
  14. M. Scuderi et al., Nanoscale analysis of superconducting Fe(Se, Te) epitaxial thin films and relationship with pinning properties, Scientific Reports 11(1), Art. No. 20100 (2021)
  15. E. Schilirò et al., Direct Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultrathin Aluminum Oxide on Monolayer MoS2 Exfoliated on Gold: The Role of the Substrate, Advanced Materials Interfaces 8(21), Art. No. 2101117 (2021)
  16. M. Vivona et al., Ni Schottky barrier on heavily doped phosphorous implanted 4H-SiC, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54(44), Art. No. 445107 (2021)
  17. M.R. Khan et al., Effective magnetic field dependence of the flux pinning energy in FeSe0.5Te0.5 superconductor, Materials 14(18), Art. No. 5289 (2021)
  18. M. Vanni et al., Interlayer Coordination of Pd-Pd Units in Exfoliated Black Phosphorus, Journal of the American Chemical Society 143(27), 10088, 10098 (2021)
  19. S.E. Panasci et al., Strain, Doping, and Electronic Transport of Large Area Monolayer MoS2 Exfoliated on Gold and Transferred to an Insulating Substrate, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13(26), 31248, 31259 (2021)
  20. N. Tuccitto et al., Carbon Quantum Dots as Fluorescence Nanochemosensors for Selective Detection of Amino Acids, ACS Applied Nano Materials 4(6), 6250, 6256 (2021)
  21. A. Kumar et al., MOCVD growth of GeTe/Sb2Te3 core–shell nanowires, Coatings 11(6), Art. No. 718 (2021)
  22. S. Romi et al., Synthesis of double core chromophore-functionalized nanothreads by compressing azobenzene in a diamond anvil cell, Chemical Science 12(20), 7048, 7057 (2021)
  23. D. Ceratti et al., CsPbBr3, MAPbBr3, and FAPbBr3 bromide perovskite single crystals: Interband critical points under dry n2 and optical degradation under humid air, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(9), 4938, 4945 (2021)
  24. M. Vivona et al., Electrical properties of inhomogeneous tungsten carbide Schottky barrier on 4H-SiC, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54(5), Art. No. 55101 (2021)
  25. K. Nawa et al., Modification of the van der Waals interaction at the Bi2Te3 and Ge(111) interface, Physical Review Materials 5(2), Art. No. 24203 (2021)
  26. B. Pécz et al., Indium Nitride at the 2D Limit, Advanced Materials 33(1), Art. No. 2006660 (2021)
  27. F. Giannazzo et al., Nanoscale structural and electrical properties of graphene grown on AlGaN by catalyst-free chemical vapor deposition, Nanotechnology 32(1), Art. No. 15705 (2021)
  28. A. Kakanakova-Georgieva et al., Nanoscale phenomena ruling deposition and intercalation of AlN at the graphene/SiC interface, Nanoscale 12(37), 19470, 19476 (2020)
  29. S. Valastro et al., Improved electrical and structural stability in HTL-Free perovskite solar cells by vacuum curing treatment, Energies 13(15), Art. No. 3953 (2020)
  30. A. Di Mauro et al., Ag/ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites for efficient water reuse, ACS Applied Bio Materials 3(7), 4417, 4426 (2020)
  31. S. Valastro et al., Full Efficiency Recovery in Hole-Transporting Layer-Free Perovskite Solar Cells With Free-Standing Dry-Carbon Top-Contacts, Frontiers in Chemistry 8, Art. No. 200 (2020)
  32. G. Mannino et al., Temperature-Dependent Optical Band Gap in CsPbBr3, MAPbBr3, and FAPbBr3 Single Crystals, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(7), 2490, 2496 (2020)
  33. M. Bollani et al., Templated dewetting of single-crystal sub-millimeter-long nanowires and on-chip silicon circuits, Nature Communications 10(1), Art. No. 5632 (2019)
  34. R.A. Puglisi et al., Direct observation of single organic molecules grafted on the surface of a silicon nanowire, Scientific Reports 9(1), Art. No. 5647 (2019)
  35. R.A. Puglisi et al., Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Silicon Nanowires with Diameter Smaller Than 5 nm, ACS Omega 4(19), 17967, 17971 (2019)
  36. A. Alberti et al., Nanostructured TiO2 Grown by Low-Temperature Reactive Sputtering for Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2(9), 6218, 6229 (2019)
  37. S. Sanzaro et al., Bimodal porosity and stability of a TiO2 Gig-Lox sponge infiltrated with methyl-ammonium lead iodide perovskite, Nanomaterials 9(9), Art. No. 1300 (2019)
  38. M. Vanni et al., Black Phosphorus/Palladium Nanohybrid: Unraveling the Nature of P-Pd Interaction and Application in Selective Hydrogenation, Chemistry of Materials 31(14), 5075, 5080 (2019)
  39. M. Agati et al., Formation of Hybrid Silicon Nanostructures via Capillary Instability Triggered in Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Torch Synthesized Ultra-Thin Silicon Nanowires, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research 256(7), Art. No. 1800620 (2019)
  40. A. Alberti et al., Nitrogen Soaking Promotes Lattice Recovery in Polycrystalline Hybrid Perovskites, Advanced Energy Materials 9(12), Art. No. 1803450 (2019)
  41. M. Agati et al., Formation of silicon nanocrystal chains induced via Rayleigh instability in ultrathin Si/SiO2 core/shell nanowires synthesized by an inductively coupled plasma torch process, JPhys Materials 2(1), Art. No. 15001 (2019)